This is mobilespace

Our Notion: Making things better!

We always strive to make an exhausting shooting day a bit smoother and more comfortable. This is why we founded mobilespace in 1990.

Founder Marc Dainat was working as a caterer for film productions at the time, and he repeatedly heard from crew members on site that the vehicles on set often did not meet the individual requirements. For example, there were no make-up vans or trucks, or wardrobes. So we began to offer precisely those; individually designed and built by ourselves.

Our biggest strength: Listening!

We always know what our customers need at the moment. In the early 2000s, this was mainly some space where crew and artistes could stay. So we set to work and designed vehicles which suited the special requirements on film sets much better that the previously used standard camper vans – and we were the first to do so.

What we have to offer: Variety!

In 2005, the founder of mobilespace, Marc Dainat, met the cabinet maker Moritz Kromer – who became not only a friend but also the perfect business partner at that. Thanks to the craftsmanship and knowledge of Moritz, mobilespace made a great leap forward in terms of quality and variety.

Today, in addition to our make-up vans and trucks, wardrobes and artiste vehicles, our range includes many other special vehicles - including, for example, vans with built-in power generators, self-sufficient honeywagons, and tour buses. All vehicles are designed by us and built in our own workshops.

Sadly, founder Marc passed away in 2011 and is thus no longer able to witness how his company has developed. But we are sure he would be thrilled.

Our future: Keeping it up!

With our three locations in Hamburg, Berlin, and Cologne with a total of around 200 vehicles, a lot of extra service, and a staff of ca. 50, mobilespace is one of the biggest suppliers in the segment of vehicle rentals for the filming industry. This is no reason to settle with these achievements but a driving force to get even better.

go mobile, get space: You can always look forward to our new innovations and ideas – also in terms of sustainability. Because we are convinced that thinking green will be more and more important in the future. We offer rechargeable batteries and hybrid systems as a real alternative, making mobilespace the first company in the film sector to put power generation on a sustainable and climate friendly foundation.

Working at mobilespace

You are interested and motivated to get things going on sets?

Contact us; we are continuously looking for the right folks

Current job openings