
S5 Generator truck The big one - 100 to 130 kVA - with extra power

Lautstärke 49 DBA
49 DBA
Stromerzeuger 100 KVA
100 KVA
Gesamtgewicht 7,5 T
7,5 T
Führerscheinklasse C1E
Fahrzeugart LKW
Feature-Icon Fahrzeugart LKW
Anhängerkupplung bis 3,5 T Anhängelast
3,5 T

Sometimes you need a little extra power. For large film projects with an extensive base, many vehicles, and a lot of catering, we offer our S5 generator. It has a lot of power and is nice and quiet at the same time.

Some models in this category are also equipped with a 3.5-ton trailer hitch, making them well-suited as towing vehicles for large and heavy trailers, such as the WC5, A8 or A9 models.

By the way: If the idea of "green shooting" is important for you, please take a look at our Ecobaze S7.